Hello! To quickly catch you up I am back at camp. Lisa and I have our own Shelter Box which is great. Lots of room, we can stand up and move around, privacy....but no room service and no air conditioning.
Last night the wind blew and it was a very cool breeze so sleeping was a delight, esp. after not sleeping more than 3 hours two nights in a row.
I am working in the Logistics Tent which is really just chaos and papers, questions and phone calls. I am on death duty. If someone passes away I have to make sure all the papers are signed and filled out and then make sure the family member signs on the dotted line, then I gather transport, have them suit up and then go get the body. Fortunately I don't have to handle the body or anything just oversee the process. Got up before dawn this morning and stepped in to the Log Tent at 6:10. I was approached immediately regarding two infants that died in the night. Awful!
Not a great way to start the day at 6am or any other time.
After arriving here the last 2 times and the registration being a mess I took control. Registration for the new volunteers isn't really structured to get everyone in quickly and pain free so I put in place how I think it should go and we'll test it out tomorrow morning. Everything will work and it will be good. I just think after having to be in line at MIA at 4 in the morning and then waiting and then plane ride, and customs and the ride to camp that you need to arrive to some smiling people who have their act together. I will let you know how it goes.
Got to hold a preemie today named Vincent. He curled up on my chest, put his cheek on my shoulder and fell asleep.
So CUTE!!! I am going to go back in there tonight and hold him again. What a love!
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