I have been nervous to begin writing but the Divine Miss M (you know who you are) said just write to myself. So here goes. The big question before I left and somewhat since I returned is Why?. Why would you go there? Why do you feel you need to go to Haiti? Why?
This trip came about so quickly that it took me a few days to answer that question for myself. I watched the news and I read the online papers. I saw the devastation of the earthquake and I said my prayers for Haiti but that was it. Until I saw the Facebook status of Aaron wanting to put together a group to go to Haiti. Hey, here's my chance, get off my butt and make it work so I did.
I think we all go through the days and weeks watching the news or hearing people talk about how they wish they could help, they wish they could do more. I got the chance to do more and I did it. That's about it.
I was out with a friend for a movie and all the way home all I could think about was how simple it would be for me to go. I'm healthy, I have the time... by the time I drove in to the driveway of the house I had made up my mind.
I have a supportive husband (who was shocked, I think) but he said, "GO". I contacted Aaron and was on the list. Here we go I thought now what: Shots! I am up on my shots from previous travels I just needed a tetanus booster, typhoid, and that nasty H1N1 I had been putting off. Packing easy to eat food, all of my old underwear, shorts I didn't care to bring back, bug spray, baby wipes, socks and licorice. I was ready. Jim was kind enough to transfer over to me a Southwest free ticket he had and he made the arrangements for me and then took me to the airport. What a guy!
While I was in Florida waiting to go to the airport and meet the group someone asked me again, why? And made it clear that they thought the Haitians were a "non-people" bottom of the barrel type. This hit me like a knife in the gut but I kept my cool because everyone is entitled to their opinion but I cannot and will not believe that anyone on this earth is a non-person, uncivilized, bottom of the rung.
That still doesn't really answer why but it gives you the beginning because I don't think even I understood why until I was there and saw the need and the impact that just one person can make in someones life. How a touch of the hand or a nod and a smile can change someones day completely.
The picture is of part of our crew when we first arrived in to PAP. The beginning of something that changed me.
Next up...You Want Me To Pee Where?
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